This is a personal project, inspired by the movie, The Jungle Book.
This composite was created using only Adobe Stock Images

Source Images - Adobe Stock
https://stock.adobe.com/75868704 (boy face)
https://stock.adobe.com/22001955 (boy body)
https://stock.adobe.com/83771192 (foreground leaves)
https://stock.adobe.com/102991752 (foreground leaves)
https://stock.adobe.com/103830461 (foreground tree)
https://stock.adobe.com/86700456 (tree on ground)
https://stock.adobe.com/74532471 (background)
This image was also used in the cover of the Photoshop User Magazaine in the 2016 July/August issue.
This issue also includes and article I wrote on how to use Adobe Stock images.

Compositing Course
Check out my compositing course. Which inlcudes a bonous video on how this project was created.
Check out my compositing course. Which inlcudes a bonous video on how this project was created.